21 Ways to Boost eBay Sales


One of the most common questions I hear from other eBay sellers via email, when working with clients on site, on phone consultations, and on Facebook groups is,

"How can I increase my sales on eBay?"

While there is no magic answer that will work for everyone because each seller's business is unique, I have seen the same patterns over and over again, and many issues are a quick fix.

I've compiled information about this issue over the last year from these sources:

eBay Webinars
eBay Announcements
eBay Education Specialists (trained by eBay)
eBay Outreach
Successful sellers in my Facebook group of 14,000 members
My own personal experience on eBay since 2003

In other words, this isn't a bunch of stuff I made up. This is a handy reference guide with 21 ways to boost eBay sales in the 3 major areas of struggle:

Optimizing listings for the eBay search engine (Cassini)
Optimizing listings for eBay mobile (25-40% of sales are made on mobile devices)
Improving customer service to attract more buyers

These strategies don't require you to buy any tools, apps, or services - just sit down and start working through the material. All that is required is your time and the desire to succeed.

This report is an instant download priced at $19. Get your copy today and start applying the strategies so you can increase sales on eBay.



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